Incubating Ideas

Oxford Process has expanded its bandwidth to create an incubator of new ideas.

It is convening roundtables, workshops and seminars both in London and at its countryside retreat to address some of the most profound problems we are facing in the 21st Century.

The environmental crisis,  the COVID-19 pandemic and now the wars in Ukraine and Gaza have been a magnifier and exacerbators of many of our problems. It requires us to use our imagination and intelligence to prevent further destruction and create a more hopeful future.

The Oxford Process prides itself on being a think and action tank and is interested in not only generating ideas but also in how to implement them. It is not idealistic but is routed in the reality of the world as it is with its Hobbesian undertones and its pragmatic politics.

From senior leaders to young minds, we will work with diverse and creative thinkers who can influence the zeitgeist. The purpose will be to stimulate government interest and create networks of people interested in promoting and developing ideas that we explore in our incubator.

Our first initiative is working with one of the founders of RethinkX, James Arbib. He describes how a scientific revolution and economic transformation are now taking place, both enabling and demanding a radical restructuring of the way we think and organise ourselves. These developments provide a real opportunity to find ways through the environmental crisis. The challenge now is how to create political momentum around these ideas. We have hosted a number of dinners and invited high-level politicians, experts, civil servants, journalists and creative thinkers to help familiarise them with the pioneering work of RethinkX.

It is in this spirit that the ideas incubator creates a safe and inspiring space for us to work together and respond to the global issues that continue to polarise our societies.

Gabrielle Rifkind, January 2024.